A gripping fast-paced legal environmental thriller. Rebecca Calderone, a New York based lawyer, is in a frantic battle to prevent the sale of her rainforest homeland by a military leaning government to a powerful conglomerate. Her brother Montero has been leading the rainforest militia put together years back to protect the population from army attacks, government pillaging trees and precious minerals out of the jungle. Rebecca is at the last stages of organizing a consortium of environmental, wildlife and human rights organizations that will take out a 98 year lease on the rainforest in another 2-3 months. However the conglomerate has decided it wants the rainforest purchased in 7 days. Can she get the agreement signed in the next 7 days or does she resign herself to her home and the lungs of the earth being gutted out for personal greed and illicit profit as they legalize their criminal acts? A cliff-hanger involving an innocent population, an adept militia, geo-politics and corporate greed. The Agreement: A Rainforest To Be Sold In 7 Days is Available in Kindle and Paperback
This work is dedicated to the humans that are tired of being used as slaves. The Roman Empire did not fall. They just changed the name to the Roman Church. This text contains material that you cannot unread. Your thinking process will be permanently altered. Consider yourself warned. This text will release you from the Matrix and there is no way to get back inside. This is your final warning - DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! In 1946, a massive cache of ancient manuscripts were found in caves near the dead sea. These became known as the “Dead Sea Scrolls”. I have studied various forms of this material for the past 15 years. I have examined historical documents, religious texts as well as countless historical facts. These texts have led me to a number of obvious realizations. There are texts known as forbidden knowledge in most cultures. Most have been burned. If you explore them, you will find that they all lead to extraterrestrial origins. Recent research has revealed that humans are composed of between 1% and 4% of the Neanderthal’s DNA. The part that was not mentioned was that there are humans with 0% Neanderthal DNA in them. This is the Roman race. (The other 96%) These “pureblood” humanoids are the off-worlders who came to Earth and created earthling humans through genetic manipulation. The Romans mixed their DNA with Neanderthals to create a race of workers to satisfy their labor needs. In anthropological circles, they would be called “the missing link”. You can find them in our historical records as “Ancient Romans and Greeks”. They appeared out of nowhere, enacted biblical scale changes to humanity, and then disappeared as mysteriously as they came. Thoughtfully and critically consider the facts, they actually make far more logical sense than the stories you have been indoctrinated to believe. History is written and rewritten by the victor. The Romans have erased and revised history to suit their agenda. They continue this practice even today as books and monuments are removed. Free discourse is censored and self anointed ultra biased fact checkers have appeared on the scene to employ psychological warfare upon the masses. Political foes are imprisoned. The Inclusive Bible is the latest Bible translation where the writers have removed male pronouns and sexism. Facts should remain facts and not subject to subverting by whoever is in power at the time. A fact never changes. Religion and history are not subjects to be modified and rewritten at the whims of a new leader. The ancient cuneiform tablets have clearly detailed that an extraterrestrial lifeform came to Earth and genetically modified the Neanderthals to produce the human race. They made themselves known to us as Gods. Since they were our creators, it is a fair assertion. (Our Father who art in heaven. God created man in his own image - sound familiar?) Ancient Rome is EXACTLY what it looks like when a highly advanced space-faring race frontiers a new planet. The Roman race brought all of the various disciplines of a complex civilization with them. They did not invent anything (except humans). Customer reviews "Captivating read. It will challenge ideas you may not even realize that you’ve tacitly accepted." Amazon.com "Very Thought Provoking. Since smart and curious minds are always open to new ways of thinking, why not think through the Moose way..." Amazon.com "You cannot un-read this book. Earth's deepest secrets are revealed. You will not be able to get back inside the Matrix and you might wish you could." Amazon.com
Billy has won a Billion Euro on the lottery. Determined to stay anonymous, he pays a stranger to claim they won the money. Billy and this stranger cross paths several times with hilarious consequences. Billy just wants to anonymously help a few people and thank a few people. Good deeds should be done with intention not for attention. When Billy’s good deeds inspire others to copy them, nosey reporter Sandra Birch is determined to find out who is responsible. The only clue she has is that the person doing good deeds wears a Mackintosh overcoat. When the lottery ruse is exposed, a photograph emerges of a man with a Mackintosh overcoat, leaving lottery head office on the day the jackpot was claimed. Sandra is getting closer to revealing Billy's identity. Has he been right under her nose the whole time? The Man With The Mackintosh Overcoat is a fun, uplifting and inspiring story. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, you might even cry laughing. Customer reviews "Great read - couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait for the next book. Loved the story line - the humor, the characters- I was invested from the beginning." Amazon.com "A real attention grabber. Loved this book and all its great characters. It captured my attention from the very beginning. I imagined myself as the winner of that lottery! What would I do with that money?!" Amazon.com "An absolute page-turner. I really enjoyed this delightful story. It was cleverly written with wonderful characters. The ending came as a bit of a surprise. I eagerly await a second book." Amazon.com The Man With The Mackintosh Overcoat is Available in Kindle and Paperback
Thomas LeBrun is award-winning international best-selling author, martial artist Thomas LeBrun began his Martial Arts training in the early 70s, influenced by the late Thomas LeBrun is a celebrity close protection specialist and he has high profile clientele. His books “Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and Adventures Protecting Celebrities” and “Sticks Sensei LeBrun attained multi-award-winning status with “Hiding in Plain Sight: My Life and For any inquiries, questions or commendations about his books, martial arts or his services, |
Four tormented souls. Two impossible love stories. One inescapable fate. The Middle Between Us delicately unfurls the love stories of two sets of couples, detached by time but brought together by fate. Where one is set in the artisanal streets of a 21st-century city life, the other depicts the breathtaking wild mountains of eastern Europe as it’s set ablaze by the religious zealotry of World War I. Where one revolves around two men coming to term with their own sexual identities, the other forces its two young lovers apart in the face of insurmountable odds. Seemingly unrelated at first, the two star-crossed couples find out they are not only parallel – but deeply intertwined. Itamar S.N. delicately but unapologetically weaves the complexities of modern-day romance with conflicts as old as time, finding the middle between love and acceptance, intimacy and desire, obsession and art. Customer reviews "A beautiful story, Highly recommended reading, I could not put this one down!" Amazon.com "If I haven't read the novel in one sitting, I believe it would've driven me insane to find out how are the couples connected and what happened to them. I'm glad I did, and I wouldn't miss it for the world." Amazon.com "A passionate book about love, truth, and life. Very highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me." Amazon.com The Middle Between Us is Available in Kindle and Paperback
LEAN CLOSER. Let these stories whisper poison into your ears. This debut full length collection from Norman Prentiss opens with the Bram Stoker Award-winning title story, where an overheard conversation in a movie theater has unexpected effects on a couple's relationship. In other unsettling tales: suffer the consequences of an ill-timed Halloween prank; encounter strange creatures in the woods or in an airport waiting room; visit an abandoned amusement park or a secluded town of oddly shaped inhabitants; confront a sinister murderer who seems to be everywhere at once, or meet a man who simply can't be bothered to die. The collection concludes with "Four Legs in the Morning," the first appearance of Dr. Sibley, a mysterious college professor who enacts revenge on those who defy or disappoint him; and the full-text of the Stoker-winning novella, "Invisible Fences." NORMAN PRENTISS is the author of Odd Adventures With Your Other Father and Life In a Haunted House, and he won the 2010 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction for Invisible Fences, also published by Cemetery Dance Publications. He also won a 2009 Stoker for his short story, "In the Porches of My Ears," published in Postscripts 18. Other publications include The Book of Baby Names, The Fleshless Man, Four Legs in the Morning, The Halloween Children (written with Brian James Freeman), and The Narrator (written with Michael McBride). His website is: normanprentiss.com "Prentiss’s understated style works excellently for the subject matter—there’s a creeping menace under many of his stories that worms its way beneath the reader’s skin before it can even be noticed. Weird fiction readers will find a lot to love here." - Publisher's Weekly "The monsters at the heart of Norman Prentiss's disquieting, deceptively hushed fiction are overheard conversations, misunderstood gestures, the things both partners in a relationship have agreed never to say. At least until those things sprout teeth, fur, the ability to curse, and turn into even more terrifying monsters." - Glen Hirshberg, author of Infinity Dreams and the Motherless Children trilogy. "I've never forgotten a Norman Prentiss story. He builds his nightmares gently, word by word, sentence by sentence, working his way into your subconscious so that you are never sure again if it happened to you, or you dreamt it, or it was a Prentiss story." - Kaaron Warren, Award-Winning author of Through Splintered Walls, The Grinding House, and Dead Sea Fruit. In the Porches of My Ears is available at Amazon
Janine Richards led a fairly sheltered life but it wasn’t exactly her fault. Old money and a family suffocated with secrets will do that to you. After witnessing a cold-blooded murder while on a road trip with her soon-to-be fiancé, Janine is whisked away into what she believes is a witness protection program designed for the ultra-wealthy near the sandy beaches and mega-yachts of an undisclosed Mediterranean island. What appears at first as a hedonistic paradise where every carnal desire is catered to and quenched, quickly devolves into a nightmare as Janine finds herself being groomed as nothing more than cattle in an aristocratic sex trade. Why Janine you may ask? Well, maybe it’s time some of those suffocating family secrets came up for air. Customer reviews "Disturbingly intriguing. This book was beautifully written, and the plot is full of intriguing twists and turns. I did not put it down until the end, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys horrors/thrillers/psychological dramas." Amazon.com "INCREDIBLE! Wow. Honestly, I never review books on Amazon but felt compelled to write this one. This was an absolute page turner. Seriously, I couldn't put it down and read it one sitting." Amazon.com "Intriguing and highly original. I loved the originality and setting of this book. The main character was beautiful - I am looking for more Neva Tamsen!" Amazon.com Where The Beautiful Ones Go is Available in Kindle and Paperback
Eric was a promising young man destined for a great future. One night changed his whole life as he made the decision to drive drunk. Having done this numerous times in the past, Eric had no idea that this one night would change his perspective on life as he barrels into a car and kills 3 people. This story chronicles his journey being in prison and how he ended up there. The question now becomes, will he be the man who spends his years rotting behind prison walls or will he find a way to rehabilitate himself and make sure that other people don't make the same mistakes he's made in his life. This book tackles issues dealing with alcoholism, drunk driving and taking the necessary measures to prevent these tragic events from happening. One Drink Too Many is available at select retailers
Confessions of a Desperate Killer: Sooner or later even the best prepared hitman is going to run out of bullets. Buddy Fisk has two new jobs, bring back a few stolen books of sorcery, and then stop the unkillable man who wants to see him dead. There are problems even the deadliest assassins can't be prepared for, like supernatural entities looking for the same prizes he seeks, and mob bosses that refuse to die. The collateral damage adds up quickly and Fisk is looking to solve mysteries that border on the edge of madness... "This short, fast-paced novel features irreverent first-person narration and includes black-and-white illustrations. It will appeal to readers who enjoy the combination of real-world violence and otherworldly horrors found in The Devil Takes You Home by Gabino Iglesias, or Cynthia Pelayo's Children of Chicago." -Booklist "James A. Moore has been moonlighting over in grimdark fantasy for a while, but with Dear Diary, Run Like Hell, he reminds us that we horror folks claimed his soul long ago. Brutal and breathless, this is Jim Moore wading back into horror fiction with gloves off, ready for blood. One hell of a lot of fun.” -Christopher Golden, New York Times bestselling author of Road of Bones and All Hallows "Dear Diary: Run Like Hell is a white-knuckled thrill ride from beginning to end. James A. Moore is a master of the written word, giving us a story filled with action, danger, and the supernatural. I loved every page." -Owl Goingback, Bram Stoker Award-Winning Author Dear Diary: Run Like Hell is available at Amazon
Raines, a protector, manages to get his client to safety from the fatal blast. However, this will cost him everything. As despair creeps in, so does solitude, training... and thoughts of revenge. So, he seeks out Tosh, a Japanese Master Martial Artist, and seeks purpose in life, to find himself and the truth. Cameron Stone, also a protector, finds himself called away on protection assignments. Although his security details grow more complex and deadly, he's not the kind to back down from a challenge, and failure isn't an option. Leaving his girlfriend Sara behind isn't easy. She, in turn, trains in Martial Arts and Parkour and stands behind her love. Three very different people on very similar paths discover that life has winners and life has losers; sometimes, we lose everything in the blink of an eye only to spend eternity thinking about that one moment... Customer reviews "LeBrun had done it again. A great read! An amazing story of good vs evil and of satisfying revenge." Amazon.com "Thomas LeBrun is the real thing ... a high level personal protection specialist with over three decades of experience." Amazon.com "A very well-written, exciting thriller! There's tension and realistic fight scenes, great character development, and there are also funny moments to break up the action and heavy drama." Amazon.com Sticks and Stones is Available in Kindle and Paperback
While Ukraine President was leading Ukrainians in resisting the Russian invasion and inflecting tremendous damage to the Russian war machines, killing tens of thousands of the Russian troops and generals, a plot was underway by the Russian intelligence service to prepare an operation with a code name Terermok, a famous Russian fairy tale, to infiltrate and unstable European societies, and military communities and facilities all over Europe as a way of retaliation and punishment for siding with and supporting Ukraine. That operation was discovered, by accident, by an American librarian and foiled before it even started by a counter operation with a code name Mitten, a Ukrainian fairy tale, led by the US and a collection of intelligent European agencies, with the assistance of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine. As a result of the continuous Russian losses and brave defense of the Ukrainians, led by an outstanding president, and the failed Terermok operation, the Russian President was ousted and handed to the International Criminal Court to stand trial. The Ukrainian leader and the American librarian had never met in person during the operation, but they teamed up from a distance to defeat the Get Your Copy Today!
One early Saturday morning, Luna and Ania ran down the stairs hoping to find out what little Benji was up to. “Mommy! Daddy! What is Benji doing?” called the two enthusiastic sisters as they jumped onto the couch. Mom and Dad braced for impact as two incredibly excited big sisters tumbled over cushions and pillows and finally landed between them. “Girls, be careful around mommy,” reminded Dad as he hugged his daughters. “We wouldn’t want to bump into little Benji’s house.” exclaimed Luna. “But we’re so excited to meet our new little brother!” “Can you please tell us what Benji is doing today dad?” added Ania with a huge smile on her face.
Welcome to Chistell Publishing Bestselling African American Books Written That Empower Women Readers, Novels by Atlanta Author Denise Turney. Denise Turney is a masterful African American storyteller. Passion for books, including thrillers, mystery and inspirational novels, has been at the core of Denise's world since she was a little girl. Back then, mysteries were Denise's favorite reading choices. Over the years, this reading and books love has expanded and evolved across other genres and entered into the realm of novel writing. Denise Turney has more than 40 years writing experience. She is a columnist at New Citizens Press, one of the largest cultural newspapers in the United States. Today, Denise Turney is the author of several powerful African American novels and women books, including Love Pour Over Me, Portia, Love Has Many Faces, Spiral, Gada's Glory, Gregory The Lionhearted, Long Walk Up, Rosetta The Talent Show Queen and Awaken Blessings of Inner Love. Denise Turney is also a two-time Navy Achievement Medal winner, freelancer, Gregory's "Mom" and radio talk show host. Chistell Publishing supports story development, empowering novels, great book prices and engaging fiction, especially page-turning novels. PURPOSE: Learn More by Visiting the Official Website |
Athena, now nineteen and keen to leave the rat hole behind, has traveled all the way to Alaska in the hope of a better life up north. What she doesn’t bank on is the massive culture shock that being a Greek-American in the icebox means, from experiencing the horrors of Eskimo ice cream to meeting Bambi- killers, hunters, and trappers galore. Told with raw honesty and emotional vulnerability, this true coming of age story recounts Athena’s struggle to fit in as she is surrounded by strange psychic energies, dangerous people, and food like she’s never experienced before. The fascinating world of restaurants and serving is explored in every hilarious and horrifying detail, with a cast of colorful characters from all walks of life, but not all of them are out to help Athena on her quest to build a brighter future for herself. Even when Athena thinks she’s found new friends and a surrogate mother to give her the support she’s never had, a dark presence still looms on the horizon. Up north is a dangerous place for a young lady alone. Something bad is coming, and Athena can feel it. Can she survive the harsh winters and even harsher life lessons that being in the icebox will throw at her?
A group of friends boards a fishing boat, and they venture out on a big lake the weekend they watch their hometown football team play for the championship. Then, they get abducted by an unknown ship. Months later, the FBI investigation of their case goes cold. Instead, their loved ones and families hire a private detective from a comic book ad to continue the search. An author's funny theory about Global Warming and it's in the Prologue of his book Carbon Planet. The rest is a story that leads the characters from being abducted by who is behind Global Warming. No, it's not the aliens but ancient reptilians mistaken as aliens. Carbon Planet is Available in Kindle and Paperback
In the late summer of 1630, 23-year old Li Bing writes the provincial level imperial examinations, the first step towards entering the Chinese civil service. He is tormented by a dream of 18 cranes, and as he awaits his exam results he seeks out insights from those around him to help him understand his dream. In the end, he learns more than he imagined. Customer reviews "The book left me wanting more, a symbol of a great story, and I am excited to see where the rest of this series brings me." Amazon.com "18 Cranes: Kaifeng Chronicles Book One by Robert Campbell is a short but exceptional historical fiction novel." Amazon.com "The book was not only a very relaxing and enjoyable read, but it also provided me with a look into a very interesting and little understood culture. I was delighted to learn about the formal education system in ancient China. This was communicated amidst a blossoming romantic relationship between two young spirits, both with challenges to overcome." Amazon.com "Excellent book! Looking forward to reading the next one!" Amazon.com 18 Cranes: Kaifeng Chronicles, Book One is Available in Kindle and Paperback
Well settled into his second life as a vampire, Simon Carson rarely thinks about the past. It holds little joy, and he is content to live life in the present. The centuries have passed comfortably and he enjoys a life of privilege, amassing wealth through selling art and antiquities and hobnobbing with New York City’s elite. Soon everyone is talking about the unusually high amount of missing person’s reports being filed—a new and troubling worldwide trend now at their doorstep. Then Simon hears of the Legion of God, a renegade group of vampires hellbent on bringing about a new world order envisioned by their spiritual leader. One Pastor Brown. They have enough resources, and a rapidly growing army, to bring global chaos and destroy humankind. A weakened yet determined World Council springs into action against their own. The vampires are at war. But only Simon knows the true threat posed by the religious zealot. Unable to flee his past any longer, he sets out to finish what was started so many years ago. Customer reviews
Legion of God is available at Amazon
When a dismembered body is discovered in a suitcase, seasoned detective Kimberly Hall is determined to catch the killer. However, she soon finds herself in a web of untrustworthy witnesses, countless suspects, and tampered evidence. Once she untangles who committed the crime, things will only get harder for her team. Just as they narrow their sights on their lead suspect, Detective Hall's rookie partner makes a deadly mistake.
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Victoriya lives within the Highly Functioning Autistic Spectrum. She is the daughter of principal scientists over the TITAN project, the massive orbital which finally ended global warming. It worked… but with consequences no one saw coming. Earth is orbiting further from the sun. Time is running out before we fall into a hyper freeze that will render the planet uninhabitable. Viktoriya will do her best to save us all, but unknown and known dangers press close. What some consider a strange behavior may actually provide her with unique gifts that’ll help save humanity… If humanity can be saved.
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Mr. Leo was there no matter what. He was there to help his kids. Mr. Leo is a psychologist who works with middle schoolers with Autism in NYC. He struggles with the pathologies, the school bureaucracy, the parents' eccentricities, and to keep it together as he falls apart. Some things worked and others didn't. All things considered, he was there for them and willing to help no matter what. What will become of him as he goes bonkers?
Italy, 1939. Isabella is a teenager and in love with Pasquale, a young woodcutter. She makes bread in her family’s bakery and sketches portraits at night. Determined to be together, Isabella and Pasquale secretly board a freight train out of town. Fulfilling their dreams means escaping the wrath of Pasquale’s father and putting rumors behind them. After a simple wedding, she is full of hope for their new life together. But when Pasquale is the victim of a vicious attack, their future looks less certain. With a baby on the way, their paths split apart. As the war draws closer to Italy’s shores, Isabella finds herself in one desperate situation after another only to become a fugitive of obscure characters. To survive, she rises above all tragedies and summon the most dreadful resources hidden in the human’s soul. With strength and determination, she makes the heartbreaking choices necessary to end her long streak of misfortunes.
Mussolini's Illustrator is Available in Ebook and Paperback.
A young woman is chosen by The Creator to go into Hell and save seven Archangels and One Pure Soul as part of a bet collection from Lucifer. Like Dante’s Inferno, Sera has to traverse the Circles of Hell, but is discovering that she’s getting more than she bargained for when she agrees to follow her handsome guide Virgil and the deadly Archangel Gabriel into the First and Second Circles of Hell.
Silver Medal Winner for Best Adult Fiction Anthology, 2021, Readers Favorite Book Awards Hollywood and Broadway are icons of the American Dream. But what happens to those who feed off that dream? Just as drug cartels have many underlings, who must get paid along the journey to the addicts, so do the characters who need to be nourished by the luminaries who make up this star-studded world above us. James Musgrave’s collection of eleven stories, in many ways, addresses the theme of “star power,” but in a way that satirizes the stereotypical “Hollywood endings” in very unique and literary ways. This collection has a remedy for the past year’s traumas caused by a worldwide pandemic.
"Entering the consciousness of a reader is the most sacred enterprise an author can have. These stories have been collected as my Zen reflection during the past year’s COVID-19 plague. This shamanistic mental state, which the Japanese term “Mushin,” or “no-mind” is close to the stream-of-consciousness technique that Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Jack Kerouac, James Joyce, and William Faulkner used to such success. However, it is also a form of channeling that defies definition. This is the mystical realm that creatives around the world know so well, and we worship at its altar every day we put fingers to keys or pen to paper. I want to thank readers who enjoy dark stories, as in this age of political correctness and what publishers often term “accessibility,” it is becoming more difficult for us authors, especially us authors who don’t make a lot of money from our work, to find an audience. I will go out on a limb and say that if the author does make a lot of money from a dark story, he/she will get marketing to back him/her up to ride the tide of money to the bank. If you ride this wave of Gustav and all the other characters in my collection, then thanks for that. It’s been a tough year for all of us. Bless you." --James Musgrave
"Superbly dark and un-put-down-able. This was a new type of work from the author, and I really felt drawn to his compilation of eleven dark stories. Each story is so engrossing, it brings you right in the middle of the story. This collection is more than just words on a page. It is a very well-written story, and I enjoyed it." Amazon.com "For a writer, getting inside the reader’s mind is the holy grail of the craft. In Valley of the Dogs, a collection of eleven dark short stories, author Jim Musgrave has invaded most of our minds and left an impression that will linger long after we close the book and stick it on our ‘to be read again someday’ shelf. If you’re looking for a good book to curl up with when the wind’s blowing outside and the sky is gunmetal gray and depressing, this is what I would prescribe." Amazon.com " Wow! Great stories, definitely dark, but also great! I enjoyed all of these stories, but some of them hit you hard, very hard. The writer is very skilled at his craft, and I can't wait to read more stories out of his wonderful imagination." Amazon.com
Imagine being able to jump back in time and do it all over again. Going back to live with everything you’ve learned, and knowing everything that’s happened in the world during your lifetime. That’s exactly what happens to Connor Grace, a middle-aged divorced school teacher, who is hit by a car in downtown Charleston and wakes up as a teenager again in the late 1980’s. Young again, he seeks out the woman who he knows will eventually become his first love, and sets out to right the wrongs of the past. As he tries to make sense of the tumultuous times he had already lived through once before, he discovers that he isn’t the only one who has come back. In Finding Lorena, organized crime, southern charm, Israeli martial arts, time travel, and self-discovery coalesce in an action-adventure love story for the ages…well, maybe a few different ages. Customer reviews "A first time reader from this author, definitely not my last! I read this in just a few hours, I couldn't put it down. Intriguing concept. Well written story, interesting characters, a romance, time travel and adventure." Amazon.com "I couldn’t put this book down! I’m often wary of time travel stories, but I really loved this one. I enjoyed the characters, the vivid descriptions, and the great storytelling." Amazon.com "I loved this book. This author is going to be huge! Fantastically written, Finding Lorena was a page turner that I simply couldn't put down. I can't wait to see what he writes next!" Amazon.com Finding Lorena: A Time Travel Romance is Available in Ebook and Paperback.
A boy from a primitive planet accidentally falls to Earth and crashes in Evergreen City, Massachusetts. Although he is discovered by
Dr. Dante Kusinagi reached the pinnacle of his field. He had it all but still felt like the world needed more. He explores the human consciousness and tries to create a false reality based on synthetic applications of genetics, medicine, and psychology. Desire shall not be limited by Evolution. It may not be to anyone's surprise that the world was not ready for this invention. Dante spends the rest of his "life" trying to thwart his opposers. He may end up losing Olivia in the process. This is not your ordinary calamari, this is The Octopus Trials. The Octopus Trials is Available in Ebook and Paperback.
Humpty Dumpty was pushed... There are no accidents, and there’s a reason for everything that happens. In this novel, the unspoken truth is... It’s a dog-eat-dog world. The victim is a mesomorphic doorman. He lays stretched out on the parking lot pavement just a few yards from the nightclub where he worked. On the case is a brilliant and eccentric, media-darling-cop, Sal Messina. Sal’s investigation leads from the wealthy lairs of Manhattan to the manicured estates in the Hamptons to the PJs in Queens and places beyond. Like the immigrant communities of the Boogie Down Bronx inhabited by fierce survivors of ethnic wars. It’s a wild ride through a vast craven underbelly of society that takes its toll on both the detective’s personal and professional life. Before this case, the detective thought he had seen it all. But this time, what’s coming is way beyond the officer's range of vision. Customer reviews "A Killer Read (Literally!) This book is a wonderful, emotional roller coaster ride with an ending that ties up all loose ends and leaves the reader totally satisfied. Five stars for Mr. Blatte!" Amazon.com "There were enough twists and elements in the story to keep me engaged to keep reading, and curious about how it would end. This is a great first novel by the author." Amazon.com "Great story, brilliantly written characters. I recommend this book to anyone who not only enjoys gritty crime dramas but also exploring who we are and why we do the things we do." Amazon.com Humpty Dumpty was Pushed is Available in Ebook and Paperback.
Think you're living in an environmental dystopia? That's where the story begins and it doesn't get any less wild. At once ridiculous and chilling, rising surrealist talent Freddy F. Fonseca explores the dark, porky underbelly beneath humanity's seemingly ever-more-virtuous race toward sustainability - and the genius puppet-masters who watch our feeble bamboo-straw-buying attempts and smile, while flattening another rainforest. Oh yeah, and there's our hero. The last remaining pig on Earth just happened to be blessed with superpowers. Which he would use to avenge the extermination of his species, were he not to get tangled up in an all-too-human web of greed, lust, and indifference. The anarchic and ambitious Heart of Swine has breath-taking scope and a wry, not totally resigned smile. It incautiously pulls away the covers to reveal how half-assed humanity's efforts to clean up after itself have been. It's funny and coarse, sure, but the writer is deadly serious. The epic failures we continue to see around the world on a personal and political level are taken to frightening lengths. And reading Heart of Swine is like a Rorschach test for one's outlook on the future - although it's hard to think, especially after finishing this book, that everything's going to be just fine. Customer reviews "Really enjoyed reading Heart of swine. It's an eye-opening experience towards our contemporary society. Written in a great literary work exposing our societies vices and follies." Amazon.com "Exaggerated and yet so believable. Themes and characters are great and reflect much of the modern concerns. I particularly liked the commentary, so hard and honest. The narrative is fluid and makes me never want to stop reading it." Amazon.com
James Stevens is a mild-mannered investment manager with a dark past. He thinks all his military exploits are behind him. He left his former life and returned to embrace his childhood faith. Now he has a beautiful wife and daughter, a nice home, and a great job. What he doesn’t realize is there are demonic forces determined to destroy his life and everything that he has built. James is falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit and is being pursued by the Savino Crime Family for a million dollars in laundered money. Stevens has to face the dilemma of whether to revert back to his old ways of murder and mayhem or to maintain his faith as he fights these demonic forces. Enter the Light: Overcoming the Darkness is available at Amazon
The Great Void has a diameter of 400 million light years, the center sitting 700 million from home. A crew travels to the Great Void to investigate an anomaly, unsure of what they'll discover. The captain of the vessel stumbles upon a shocking bit of information, that the researchers back home will spend decades scanning and interpreting what they found, spinning their own truths, and chooses to keep the knowledge to himself. Months of travel in this emptiness, absent of stars and outside light, will chip away at the crew's sense of reality. On a spiritual level, the majority of them accept society’s belief that we exist alone, but actually experiencing the Great Void is a whole other matter.
The Great Void is available at Amazon