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V3 is a different kind of bodybuilding program.
This vegetarian bodybuilding system is centered on whole food, plant-based nutrition that’s also anti-inflammatory.
V3 focuses on vibrant health, not just ripped abs and bigger muscles.
V3 will show you how to lose fat and build muscle from a plant-based diet.
This different breed of nutrition program and plant-based fitness system provides an ideal mix of science and practical advice on how to eat based on your fitness goals.

Learn More and Buy Now. Click Here
Tags: Vegetarian Bodybuilding, V3 Bodybuilding, plant based fitness program, vegetarian bodybuilder, vegan bodybuilder, vegan bodybuilding, muscle and fitness, weight loss, weight loss for vegetarians, vegan weight loss, Vegetarian Bodybuilding System, vegan diet plan and workout, vegan bodybuilding protein

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 448 | Date: 2018-03-22

Discover the Secret West African Red Tea
Proven to Stop Hunger Cravings in Their Tracks & Help You Shed up to One Pound of FAT per Day!!

Nothing’s better than starting your day with a hot cup of delicious tea that energizes more
than coffee and kicks your metabolism into high gear…

Take a look at Liz’s astounding transformation below. After a difficult pregnancy, she shed
more than 40 pounds in just a few weeks
, all by drinking this rare and exotic tea, shocking her
husband and all of her friends…

Click here and uncover the exotic “red drink” that let Liz lose over 40 pounds  in just weeks
Tags: belly fat weight loss drink, chinese skinny tea, herbal cup detoxify tea, herbal cup detoxify, fat reducing drink, melt fat away naturally, fat melting drink, best drink to lose belly fat, drinks to lose belly fat in a week, cleanse to lose belly fat, get slim tea, thin tea reviews, drinks to lose belly fat, fat burning tea

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 433 | Date: 2018-03-09

A Shockingly Effective, Fast And Simple 2-Minute Ritual Will Have You Looking And Feeling Decades Younger

A 2-minute ritual that...
Removes Pounds of Dangerous Belly Fat...

Reduces Harmful Plaque From Your Arteries, Increases Sex Drive And Youthful Hormonal Balance While 
Reducing Your Risk From Type 2 Diabetes And High Blood Pressure, Faster Than Ever Believed Possible.

Learn More And Watch Video
Click Here

Tags: Lean Belly Breakthrough system, Lean Belly Breakthrough review, Lean Belly Breakthrough Reviews 2018 , best ways to lose weight in 2018, health and weight loss, transform your life, healthy living, improve your overall health, best weight loss system 2018, lose weight fast, get rid of belly fat, how to lose weight

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 447 | Date: 2018-02-18

A complete system contains every single ritual that will 
transform your health while melting off 1 pound per day of deadly belly fat.

The Greedy Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know About This Simple, All Natural, Unconventional Breakthrough...

A Breakthrough System That Targets The Root Cause Of Your Belly Fat, Heart Disease And Diabetes.

Do This Simple 2-Minute Ritual To Lose 1 Pound Of Belly Fat Every Day

Do the right thing for your family and loved ones. 
Click here to learn more and order now

Tags: Lean Belly Breakthrough program, fat loss program, breakthrough fat loss system, 2 minute belly shrinking solution, belly breakthrough system, powerful weight loss system, transform your health and life, flatten your belly, effective weight loss solutions, start losing weight today, transform your body

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 502 | Date: 2018-02-01

This book has actionable information on how to burn fat, build muscle, look lean and build strength through strength training as a woman.

For many people, the mention of the words ‘strength training’ evokes an image of a well-toned/ripped/shredded man at the gym lifting barbells, dumbbells and using all manner of equipment/tools. Rarely will people think of women at the mention of ‘strength training’. 

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that women don’t need strength training. While we women may not be aiming to have six-pack or build biceps like men, this doesn’t mean strength training is not for us. In fact, we could use some abs, well-toned hand muscles free from bingo wings, waist free from love handles and a host of other benefits like greater core strength, stronger back muscles, stronger upper body, stronger arms and much, much more! 

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Fat Loss & Strength Training For Women, burn fat for women, muscle building for women, strength building for women, weight loss tips for women, Jessica Wright, fitness and exercise, health and fitness

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 500 | Date: 2018-01-09

"Five Stars. Funny and Informative. I loved it. Highly recommend it!"

A beginner's guide to fitness nutrition. 
This eBook does not just tell you what to do, but it explains WHY. 
A science-based and evidence-based approach with clear explanations so that users can actually learn how nutrition works for themselves. 
This humorous, yet informative guide is a pleasure to read, despite its educational nature. 
If you are even considering making some healthy lifestyle changes, pick this guide up for a low price!

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: DO THE WORK (and the Math): A No-Bullshit Guide to Getting Fit, Alivia Rogers, fitness nutrition, healthy eating, diet and weight maintenance, meal planning, workout nutrition, weight loss, fitness and dieting

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 502 | Date: 2017-12-11

"Short but incredibly informative read. Anyone interested in juicing should read it."

This is a short, informative look at what fresh fruit and vegetable juicing is, what it isn't, and why you need to incorporate it into your everyday diet. It is informative enough that the most experienced juicers will learn, but casual enough that it isn't overwhelming.

This book WILL NOT guarantee you to lose fifty pounds, but it is possible.
This book WILL help you make informed decisions about getting back to your body's potential without buying some gimmicky program that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars.

If you've ever wondered what the fuss with this 'juicing craze' was all about, this is the book for you.

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Fresh, The Essential Guide to Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing, The Juicing Craze, juicing guide for beginners, health and weight loss, healthy guide to juicing, how to juice at home, juicing health benefits, is juicing really good, informative guide, ultimate guide, tips and tricks, advice, fresh juicing, healthy diet

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 517 | Date: 2017-12-05

Most people don’t realize the cause of their problems is tight hip flexors.

The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

Learn More and Order Now. Click Here

Tags: hip flexor stretch, hip flexors stretching, how to lose stomach fat, losing belly fat, reduce belly fat, how to lose belly fat, hip stretches for flexibility, hip flexibility, hip mobility, hip mobility routine, hip flexibility exercises, tight hip flexors, hip stretches, hip flexor tightness, uneven hips, Simple Exercises

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 518 | Date: 2017-11-13

Shocking Daily Belly Fat Loss!
2-Minute Ritual For Guaranteed Weight Loss

A complete system that contains the exact ritual for transforming your health while melting off your deadly belly fat every single day.

Learn More and Get Started Today. Click Here
Tags: lean belly breakthrough program, lean belly breakthrough reviews, lean belly breakthrough system, fat loss program, breakthrough fat loss system, powerful weight loss system, transform your health and life, flatten your belly, effective weight loss solutions, start losing weight today, transform your body

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 462 | Date: 2017-11-04

This program was designed for women from anywhere in the world who are interested in losing weight with an effective program customized for you to do just that right from home! 

No need to take expensive shakes or waste money and time in the gym…this is already done for you. 
If You want to lose weight without lifting heavy weights, or get rid of useless pills and potions you may have tried before, then YOGA BURN maybe just for you. 

Click here to learn how to get an awesome body!
Tags: Yoga Burn For Women, yoga and losing weight, best yoga for weight loss, yoga for fat burn, best Yoga poses for weight loss, Yoga experts, best Yoga programs, yoga for beginners, transform your body, personal development, self help, how to get a hot body, Build a Sexy Female Body, best yoga experts

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 566 | Date: 2017-10-02

2-Minute Ritual For Guaranteed Weight Loss

This One Simple Method Has Never Before Been Revealed To The General Public Until Today.
This Shockingly Effective, Fast And Simple 2-Minute Ritual Will Have You Looking And Feeling Decades Younger

Simple, All Natural, Unconventional Breakthrough......

Click here to watch video
Tags: Lean Belly Breakthrough program, fat loss program, breakthrough fat loss system, 2 minute belly shrinking solution, belly breakthrough system, powerful weight loss system, transform your health and life, flatten your belly, effective weight loss solutions, start losing weight today, transform your body

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 523 | Date: 2017-09-26

Creating the Fundamentals of Your Ultimate Body

"If you are interested in starting the Ketogenic Diet, then this is the indicated book."
"Perfect Guidebook for the beginners. I found this book so amazing and well written."

People come to the Keto Diet for a wide array of reasons including the desire to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, and have more energy. No matter what your motivation is, you need to discover the core building blocks of health and fitness and how the Keto diet will help you get where you want to go.

Don't wait, a healthier, fitter body can be yours when you follow the Keto Diet. Add this book to your shopping cart now and experience the health benefits and energy that the Keto Diet can give you.

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: Ketogenic Diet, Your Keto Diet Rulebook for Success and Fulfillment, keto diet for beginners, ultimate guide, what is ketogenic diet, A Keto Diet for Beginners, keto diet for health, low carb diet, health benefits of ketogenic diet, ketogenic diet for weight loss, how to use ketogenic diet

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 578 | Date: 2017-09-22

Intermittent fasting is one of the fastest ways to lose weight, gain muscle and live a healthy lifestyle. Forget dieting and gym classes. 
Intermittent fasting is taking the world by storm as one of the most popular fitness and health trends.

Here Is What You will Learn...
-What is Intermittent Fasting? -How Intermittent Fasting Works -Why Intermittent Fasting is good for you 
-Different Intermittent Fasting Methods -Tips On How To Fit Intermittent Fasting Into Your Lifestyle 
Much, Much More!

Discover how intermittent fasting can change your life!

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: Intermittent Fasting, The Beginner's Guide, Intermittent Fasting for weight loss, Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan, health benefits of Intermittent Fasting,  Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle, intermittent fasting benefits, weight loss and healthy living, diet plans, What is Intermittent Fasting, personal health, healthy lifestyle

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 571 | Date: 2017-09-13

Struggling to Lose Weight?
Australian Trainer's Inspiring New Discovery "Flips The OFF Switch" on Stubborn Fat, So You'll Feel Sexy, Confident and Satisfied Again

The Beta Switch™ is the Only Complete Weight Loss Lifestyle for Women, That Specifically Switches on The Fat-Burning Power of Your Most Stubborn Female Trouble Spots, Without Restricting Your Favorite Foods or Doing Excessive Exercise
This System Works For ANY Woman - No Matter Your Age, And Regardless Of Where You Store Your Most Stubborn Fat...

Learn More and Order Now. Click Here
Tags: TheBetaSwitch, the beta switch plan, the beta switch system, the beta switch secret, the beta switch solution, the beta switch review, the beta switch workout system, the beta switch system reviews, the beta switch diet review, proven weight loss system, Stubborn Fat Loss For Women, fat loss methods

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 529 | Date: 2017-09-09

How much better would your life be if you could lose that stubborn body fat you’ve always
wanted to lose, with less than half the effort it would take you otherwise?

Can you imagine how great you would look, feel, think, and act knowing you’re building
your dream body — and that the results are here to stay?

Do yourself a favor. Make the transition from fantasy to reality today.

Check out this foolproof, science-based diet that's 100% guaranteed to melt away 12 to 23 Pounds of stubborn body fat in just 21 days
which has already worked for thousands

Tags: The 3 Week Diet, celebrity extreme diet, the 3 week diet review, the 3 week diet results, weight loss secrets, weight loss secrets for men, weight loss system, weight loss secrets for women, how to lose weight fast, fast weight loss tricks, best weight loss programs, ultimate weight loss diet

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 478 | Date: 2017-08-07

Have you tried and failed to lose weight in the past, with a succession of fad diets that never work?
Do you want to try something that is proven and will get you the results you need?

There can be no doubt that intermittent fasting works.
Discover what intermittent fasting can do for you when it comes to losing weight and becoming healthier

Read More and Download Now. Click here
Tags: Intermittent Fasting: Harness the Power of Intermittent Fasting to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy, Intermittent Fasting diet, losing weight, living healthy, becoming healthier, A Beginner's Guide, live longer and healthier, diet strategies, new ways to lose weight, health, fitness and macrobiotics

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 515 | Date: 2017-07-25



The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

Learn More And Buy Now. Click Here
Tags: Unlock your hip flexors, unlock your hip flexors review, unlock your hip flexors trick, unlock your hip flexors dvd, unlock your hip flexors download, unlock your hip flexors video, How to Keep Your Hip Flexors Healthy, eliminate joint pain, eliminate back pain, boost your energy, boost your immune system, loosen your hip flexors, tight hip flexors symptoms, can tight hip flexors be fixed, Fix for Tight Hip Flexors

VIP Zone | Transitions: 660 | Date: 2017-07-18

Are you living the LIFE that you wanted or dreamed of ?
If the answer is NO. No worries, you still have a chance to reach out to achieve that dream LIFE that you have always wanted, all it takes is the "WANT" to begin with and a few LIFE changing habits to follow.

"Healthy Cooking-Fit and Balance Living | The 7 Steps to a Successful Diet and Life Style" is to help you achieve success in all aspects of your life, from choosing the right eating habits, not a diet but a REAL LIFE changing habits from HEALTHY COOKING to become FIT and mentally POWERFUL to help you achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Learn More And start Living the Life you have always wanted, TODAY! Click Here
Tags: Healthy Cooking, Fit and Balance Living, The 7 Steps to a Successful Diet and Life Style, healthy eating habits, change your life, self help, keys to a healthy diet and living, healthy eating and weight loss, healthy eating and nutrition, lose weight and live healthy, transform your life, start living healthy, kick start healthy habits, reduce stress and anxiety, low carb diet, effective ways to lose weight, meditation

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 554 | Date: 2017-07-17

Learn How To Lose Weight Fast | Increase Your Metabolism | Learn to Eat Right & Burn Fat

The Green Coffee Bean is a simple addition to your diet that allows you to shed unwanted pounds in no time with no extreme dieting or exercise plan.

Click Here To Learn More And Get Started Today (Get 3 FREE Premium Bonuses)
Tags: A weight loss breakthrough, effective weight loss, lose weight fast, how to lose weight fast, weight loss tips, increase your metabolism, how to lose weight without changing your lifestyle, lose weight while doing nothing, green coffee and weight loss, green coffee extract, get slim without diets, proven ways

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 485 | Date: 2017-07-16

Is it really possible there is a super simple yoga strategy you can use from the comfort of your own home 
to shape and tone your body, manage your weight, gain flexibility, boost immunity...and overall just be a happier and healthier person?

because of Yoga Burn by Zoe Bray-Cotton

Zoe Bray-Cotton is a certified yoga instructor, certified personal trainer and female fitness expert.
Yoga Burn For Women's unique 3 phase program guides you through 15 different videos that are laid out in a way that will keep your body and mind guessing to ensure you do not get bored, or hit a plateau.

Learn More And Get It Now. Limited Time Offer. Click Here
Tags: Yoga Burn For Women, yoga and losing weight, best yoga for weight loss, yoga for fat burn, best Yoga poses for weight loss, Yoga experts, best Yoga programs, yoga for beginners, transform your body, personal development, self help, how to get a hot body, Build a Sexy Female Body, best yoga experts

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 509 | Date: 2017-07-15

Fact: Many Americans Spend 83% of Their Time Gaining Fat Instead of Burning It.

Stop Believing the Lies: There Is NO SUCH THING As “Fat-Burning Foods.”
New Research Shows that This Simple 21 Day Plan Burns 12 to 23 Pounds of Fat.
In Just 21 Days, You Could Burn 12 to 23 Pounds of Fat and Restore Your Health.

Learn More And Tranform Your Body Today. Click here
Tags: The 3 Week Diet, ultimate weight loss, best weight loss system, weight loss tips and tricks, women’s fat loss system, weight loss secrets for men and women, how to lose weight fast, best weight loss programs, easy weight loss tips, weight loss tips for women, how to get rid of belly fat, how to get rid of belly fat

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 555 | Date: 2017-06-22

A woman almost lost her life because of her body fat...
And she was forced to lose all her excess weight(all 100 lbs of it)...
by NOT doing the usual 'healthy' things like dieting, drinking water to burn fat, or to exercise.

She lost 100 lbs in a few short weeks...simply by doing this shocking act...that has doctors in an uproar.

Learn More And Start Losing Weight Eating This One Erotic Fruit. Click Here to watch video and get started today.
Tags: Guaranteed ways to lose weight, best ways to lose weight, effective weight loss tips, weight loss secrets, erotic weight loss, erotic weight loss system, accelerate your weight loss, burn your fat, fat burning workout, why I can’t lose weight, weight loss system that works, how to lose weight fast

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 506 | Date: 2017-06-18

Is it really possible there is a super simple yoga strategy you can use from the comfort of your own home 
to shape and tone your body, manage your weight, gain flexibility, boost immunity...and overall just be a happier and healthier person?

because of Yoga Burn by Zoe Bray-Cotton

Zoe Bray-Cotton is a certified yoga instructor, certified personal trainer and female fitness expert.
Yoga Burn For Women's unique 3 phase program guides you through 15 different videos that are laid out in a way that will keep your body and mind guessing to ensure you do not get bored, or hit a plateau.

Learn More And Get It Now. Limited Time Offer. Click Here
Tags: Yoga Burn For Women, yoga and losing weight, best yoga for weight loss, yoga for fat burn, best Yoga poses for weight loss, Yoga experts, best Yoga programs, yoga for beginners, transform your body, personal development, self help, how to get a hot body, Build a Sexy Female Body, best yoga experts

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 425 | Date: 2017-06-15

Doctor's 2-minute ritual for Shocking Daily Belly Fat Loss!
2-minute Ritual You Can Use Right Now For Guaranteed Weight Loss!

Simple, All Natural, Unconventional Breakthrough......
that delivers a total body transformation in record time, and has been shown to prevent heart attacks and diabetes while removing any sign of weight or age related health issues 
making you lose pounds and inches of pure belly fat while cleaning your arteries, reversing type 2 diabetes and restoring your energy, vitality, elasticity of your skin and joints, and even your sex drive.

Learn More. Click Here To Watch Video

Tags: Lean Belly Breakthrough program, fat loss program, breakthrough fat loss system, 2 minute belly shrinking solution, belly breakthrough system, powerful weight loss system, transform your health and life, flatten your belly, effective weight loss solutions, start losing weight today, transform your body

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 510 | Date: 2017-06-14

There’s a simple reason why most diets fail — they do not produce results fast enough.

20 pounds per week?? It’s possible and potentially healthy!
This scientifically proven secret has been used and PROVEN by thousands of people across
the globe to not only make you lose weight — but also get a leaner body, melt off fat, and
drop dress sizes at a staggeringly fast pace.

Will you be one of them? Learn More And Get Started Today. Click here
Tags: The 3 Week Diet, weight loss secrets, weight loss secrets for men, weight loss system, weight loss secrets for women, how to lose weight fast, fast weight loss tricks, best weight loss programs, easy weight loss tips, weight loss tips for women, how to get rid of belly fat, how to get rid of belly fat fast

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 518 | Date: 2017-06-07

Lose up to 23 pounds (10 kilos) of body fat in just 21 days! 

A Foolproof, Science-based Diet that's 100% Guaranteed to Melt Away 12 to 23 Pounds of Stubborn Body Fat in just 21 Days!
A revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.
Underground fat burning secrets of elite bodybuilders, celebrities and fitness gurus!

Learn more and get started. Click here
Tags: fast fat burner, weight loss secrets, how to get ideal body, weight loss secrets for men, weight loss secrets, free weight loss secrets, weight loss secrets for women, fast weight loss program, fast weight loss tricks, fast fat burning workouts, best weight loss programs, easy weight loss tips, weight loss tips for women, how to get rid of belly fat, how to get rid of belly fat fast

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 451 | Date: 2017-04-17

Written for anyone who cannot afford personal training session but still want to lift weight and be strong.

“Lift the Iron”  contains basic knowledges that I believe every beginner lifters should know about before they start to lift weight.
“Lift the Iron” will answer all the frequently asked questions based on scientific research: 

1.) How many times per week training is superior for muscle gains? Why?
2.) Why shouldn’t female lifters be afraid of lifting heavy weight?
3.) How do our body adapt to training stimulus?
4.) Is the muscle soreness necessary?
5.) Common fitness myths that you should not believe in and why.
6.) Tips that can help you achieve your goals much faster.
7.) Designed beginner program for building muscles and strength.
8.) Full colour images that demonstrate the correct form of lifting.
and much more!

Currently on 50% OFF sale. Click here to buy
Tags: Lift the iron, Edkon Yau, ultimate guide to an effective training, bodyweight training, successful training, training tips and advice, beginner workout programs, personal training for beginners, simple steps, proven methods, effective workout programs, achieve your fitness goals, personal growth, self help

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 508 | Date: 2017-04-15

1 Yoga Tip For a Tiny Belly
Attention Women! Finally Revealed! The Best Program Helping Women Get Lighter, Sexier And Happier

For this One Yoga tip for a tiny belly, you must avoid these 3 mistakes..

Learn more. Click here to watch video

Tags: Zoe Bray-Cotton, Yoga Instructor and Creator of Yoga Burn, yoga burn creator, Yoga Burn, Yoga Burn Review, Yoga Burn System, Zoe's Yoga Secrets, Benefits of Yoga Burn, best yoga experts, best yoga teachers, best yoga coachers, best yoga for weight loss, yoga for fat burn, best Yoga poses for weight loss

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 523 | Date: 2017-03-21

Most people chase their “perfect body” for weeks, months, or years — some even struggle for a lifetime.
You're about to learn the underground fat burning secrets of elite bodybuilders, celebrities and fitness gurus who use a little known extreme diet system that literally forces your body to melt away one to two pounds of stubborn body fat every single day for the first seven days - and then another three quarter to one full pound of fat everyday in the two weeks that followed - and yes, these results are typical.

Revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.
Learn more and get started today! Click here
Tags: fast fat burner, weight loss secrets, how to get ideal body, weight loss secrets for men, weight loss secrets, free weight loss secrets, weight loss secrets for women, fast weight loss program, fast weight loss tricks, fast fat burning workouts, best weight loss programs, easy weight loss tips, weight loss tips for women, how to get rid of belly fat, how to get rid of belly fat fast

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 490 | Date: 2017-03-16

Doctor's 2-minute ritual for Shocking Daily Belly Fat Loss!
-The 2-minute belly fat melting rituals
-The Emergency Fat Loss Guide
-The diabetes and heart disease reversing recipes
-The artery cleaning, fat melting herbs, spices and minerals
-The easy to follow heart attack prevention method
-The delicious metabolism boosting meal plan
-The detailed instructional videos
and much more!

Click here to watch full revealing video
Tags: Lean Belly Breakthrough program, fat loss program, breakthrough fat loss system, 2 minute belly shrinking solution, belly breakthrough system, powerful weight loss system, transform your health and life, flatten your belly, effective weight loss solutions, start losing weight today, transform your body

Weight Loss And Healthy Living | Transitions: 528 | Date: 2017-02-17